I help Medicare beneficiaries make clear choices.

After a long and fulfilling career working for Medicare health plans, here in the great NW, came the time for me to help my parents with their insurance choices.

Advising them, helping them with the enrollment process, helping them to navigate their coverage, and helping them to make the most of the services and benefits they had. I couldn’t have imagined how my expertise and understanding of Medicare and Medicaid programs, and our healthcare system, would lead me to help my parents one day. It became my privilege and one of the most rewarding experiences for me to be able to help them this way.

Now, it is my passion and job to illuminate the path for other Medicare beneficiaries, like you, to help you make a clear plan choice, get enrolled, understand your coverage, and make the best use of your benefits too. I’m here to make it easy, and I’m here to help.

Your needs come first.

Every year health plans determine whether they want or need to make a change. More important, is whether those changes are agreeable to your needs.

Understanding your health, your income, the features and benefits you’d like to have along with the plan costs, doctors, pharmacies, and drug coverage that best meets your needs, is my goal.

As an independent agent who represents many health plans and products, I’m here to do my best to meet your needs.

Background + Values

As the former director of Medicare lines of business and products, it was my commitment to make decisions that positively met Medicare beneficiaries’ needs.  I am proud of my track record in this regard.


I believe in the power of empathy, awareness, and the ability to listen to another person’s needs. By developing these qualities, a person can better understand and connect with others, fostering an environment of support and care. Compassion is both a mindset and a practice of patience, involving consistent efforts to be aware of and responsive to the needs of others.


I believe in having a combination of knowledge, skills, and experience gained through education, practice, and research in a specific field, while also maintaining the ability to continuous learning in one’s field of expertise.

As a student of Medicare and in business, I am committed to staying educated about potential changes and finding opportunities for my clients.


Together, with health plan partners, state and federal agencies, and regulators, I am committed to sharing what is working, what isn’t working, and what needs to change. Healthcare is complicated, as such, I will do my best to represent change in the healthcare system so that my client’s healthcare needs and health-related social needs are being met.

I will champion the continued need for affordability, equitable access, better outcomes, and experiences for Medicare beneficiaries by staying engaged on local community boards, committees, and in the community.


  • It’s Easy.

    1) We'll start with a free phone consultation and find a good time for us to have an appointment.

    2) I’ll meet you in person, virtually, or over the phone.

    3) At our appointment, we’ll discuss your needs in greater detail, and choose the health plan that best meets your needs.

  • It’s never too early to discuss. During our appointment, we will focus on your particular situation, your needs, and potential options.

    We can then set a future date, when the time is right, for you to chose a health plan that best meets your needs.

  • During our appointment, we can discuss why you want to change plans and determine if there is an enrollment period available for you to make a change.

    At the very least, we can identify when you should make a change and identify a plan option that best meets your needs.

  • The time depends on how much we have to discuss. However, for most people, it only takes 45 minutes to complete.

  • Great! If you are ready to enroll in a plan, our appointment will be shorter.

    We can just make sure all your needs will be met and we can move forward from there.

  • Every person’s situation is unique. Several events could qualify you for an enrollment period that is outside of the Annual Enrollment Period. It’s best to review your unique situation so we can determine your best option.

Ready to Get in Touch!

(971) 433-5373
